Thursday, May 8, 2014

Are you part of the 99%?

How would you feel if I told you that less than 1% of the people around you cared about what you need?

Far too often, we feel the impact of standing alone and just wish that someone else would stand there with us, knowing that the journey would not be so hard if we just had a few extra people to help us along the way. This is apathy, and it's a big problem. I bet this is something you have experienced in your life.  However, when the shoe is on the other foot and something out there in the world needs us, we tend to pass it right by.

The Mommies Network has over 20,000 members... moms who come to us for help and support and community.  20,000 moms just like you.  Last year, less than 350 of those members donated to The Mommies Network during our May is for Mothers campaign.  Look around you- do you think that only 350 of our members need support and community and the other 19,650 don't? And which one of those are you?

When we look at our chapters, that is not what we see.  We see moms logging in day after day, sometimes 20 or 30 times a day.  What we see is that almost all 20,000 of those members do need us and do use us, but that less than 1% of our membership helping burden the cost of the other 99% of us.  Less than 1% of us are committed to what you need.  

Forget the money, because it's not about the money.  It's about apathy.  The indifference of saying 'I don't need to do anything because someone else will take care of it and I'll still get what I need'.   Do any of us really want to be that person?

Are you satisfied knowing that select few people are more invested in your support than you are? 

This week, the conversation we are having on the forums is asking our members to make a commitment. We are asking one simple question:

 "What will you do to make your community better?"

It doesn't have to be money!  There are dozens of ways you can help... little things like signing up for Amazon Smiles and giving 0.5% of your purchases back to The Mommies Network, or asking a friend to join so that our community of support gets bigger, going to an event that one of our volunteers worked hard to provide to you, or even just not passing by a post without saying something.

Or you can give a few bucks and know for the next year that you were not a part of the 99% being cared for by 1%, if for not other reason than to know that a community cannot sustain itself like that and you know you use and need that community.

Give today so you can receive tomorrow. 

Get Support.  Give Support.  The Mommies Network. 


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